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Dublin Bus Route Updates

  • Fri 16 January, 2015

Dublin Bus has asked us to advise our members of route changes occurring in the city centre to facilitate Luas Cross City construction works.  Route changes will commence from January 18th, and  will remain in place for approximately 6 months with some routes (27a, 29/a, 31/a, 31b, 32/x and 130) remaining diverted for approximately 6 weeks.

Please see the route updates below:

Dublin Bus is working closely with Dublin City Council and Luas Cross City Traffic Management to minimise disruption to its customers while also choosing the most efficient and direct routing possible. As a result, a number of traffic management improvements are being implemented including priority at traffic lights, a double inbound bus lane on Pearse Street and a contra flow lane on Camden Street Upper. There will also be new Real Time Information signs and new bus stops where possible. You can also keep up to date through Dublin Bus social media sites and the dedicated Luas Cross City page through Dublin Bus inspectors will be in place in key areas across the city to assist customers and monitor the operation of services. Dublin Bus will continue to monitor the new route alignments and advise you of any significant changes if they occur.