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DublinTown CEO to address EU Commission

  • Gerard Farrell
  • Mon 28 September, 2020

DublinTown CEO Richard Guiney will be a keynote speaker this Friday (October 2nd) as part of the European Commission’s Revitalising Retail workshop. Richard will present, with Ali Grehan City Architect on the work of Dublin Town, how it has reacted to the Covid 19 Challenges and what steps are needed to maintain a vibrant and attractive city centre. Richard has noted that “ The impact of Covid -19 has accelerated trends that were already reshaping Dublin and many other cities globally. The rise of e-Commerce and remote working pose long-term challenges for Dublin, it is crucial that city centres are protected and helped to recover and develop post-Covid.”

The understanding and support of the EU will be central to urban recovery and DublinTown welcomes the opportunity to address the EU Commission and other European cities on our experiences here is Dublin and what we believe are the necessary solutions, supports and interventions that are required.