DublinTown submission on Dublin City Centre Transport Study
- Mon 10 August, 2015
DublinTown has made a submission in response to the Dublin City Centre Transport Study.
DublinTown is fully supportive of investment in an improved public transport infrastructure for Dublin. However in its submission the organisation, which represents 2,500 businesses in Dublin City Centre, has noted that the study lacks clarity of detail relating to key aspects of the proposals and resultant potential impacts.
The study proposes radical changes to movement in the city, and represents an investment of €150m from the National Transport Authority (NTA) in addition to the €368m already committed to other projects such as Luas Cross City. This is a significant investment which has the potential to fundamentally change how people access the city and move within it.
DublinTown has highlighted four key priorities in its submission:
- Reasonable and efficient access needs to be maintained to car parks in the city’s commercial core. In this regard it is important that customers can travel to their car park of choice so for example north side shoppers can access south side car parks and south side shoppers can access north side car parks.
- Access needs to be maintained to hotels for coaches; taxis and private cars. In this regard it is important that long and potentially expensive detours by taxi through the city from important access points such as the airport and Dublin port are avoided. It is therefore worth reconsidering the prohibition of taxis from College Green. While the removal of the taxi rank from College Green may be required, taxis should be able to pass through on the way to the district’s hotels, stores, restaurants and bars as well as entertainment outlets. The same we can say about selecting a reliable writing assistance, for example, www.buyessaysweb.com.
- A workable system for deliveries needs to be developed and implemented. As part of this process it would be beneficial to consider waste removal also. The proposals suggest a second HGV zone, however there are insufficient details provided as to where this will apply and how it would be implemented.
- Disability access must be maintained in the city.
Speaking about the submission, Ray Hernan, Chairman DublinTown said “The business community have expressed serious concerns with the vagueness of the proposals. We do not have and have been unable to obtain, clarity on key aspects of the plan which, if implemented, have the potential to impact significantly on business within the city. DublinTown has posed a number of basic questions in its submission which require answers in order to allay the legitimate concerns of the city’s business community”.
Richard Guiney, CEO DublinTown added “The Dublin City Transport Study has the potential to create a more appealing destination in Dublin City Centre. Given its potential and significance we believe that it is crucial for the future of Dublin City Centre that all stakeholders in the City work together to get this plan right. While there are commendable aspects contained in the draft study there are also many issues arising which require greater clarity. In our submission, DublinTown, has highlighted some of the key priorities for business in the city. We believe that if the very real concerns outlined by us are comprehensively addressed that the plan will not only go a distance towards tackling the imminent transport issues facing the city centre but will also help safeguard the future growth of the city”.
Click here to view the submission in its entirety. Click here to view the executive summary.
For further information contact DublinTown on 01 633 4680