2024 General Election Manifesto

- Mon 18 November, 2024
DublinTown has launched its 2024 General Election Manifesto (linked below). Richard Guiney, CEO of DublinTown, is calling for the full and immediate implementation of the recommendations of the Taoiseach’s task force report on the future of the City centre. These include 1,000 more Gardaí for the area and the revitalisation of O’Connell Street.
DublinTown insists that the continual decline of Dublin City centre must be immediately reversed by the next Government if the area is to have a meaningful future. Governments can no longer hide from the realities of day-to-day life for traders, commuters and visitors.
Speaking on the manifesto, Richard noted, “If the current reality of Dublin city centre is hidden from, and the necessary interventions not made, it will continue on a spiral of decline. That would have massive implications for the Irish economy and Ireland’s position on the international stage.”
Mr Guiney said the public experience of Dublin City centre had deteriorated to the point where people did not feel safe.
“Dublin City centre is at a pivotal moment. Footfall is trending downwards. The public believes the city experience is deteriorating. They do not feel safe and they want that to change. DublinTown believes these negative trends can be systematically reversed, strengthening business and visitor confidence in the city centre, and increasing engagement. But this can only be done if all key stakeholders work together to implement change and address underlying concerns.
“The report of the Taoiseach’s taskforce is a blueprint to achieve this. We have asked all political parties that its roll out be included as a non-negotiable in talks on the next programme for government. An independently chaired implementation body would be the correct delivery mechanism for the task force recommendations. If the correct decisions are made now, Dublin’s momentum can be regained.”
Click here to download the DublinTown 2024 General Election Manifesto (PDF-2MB).