Grafton Street Redevelopment Update
- Sun 17 March, 2013
In preparation for the re-paving of the street with a new high-quality granite, scheduled to begin in May, Dublin City Council’s waterworks department have been replacing the old water valves along the length of Grafton Street. The majority of these works have now been completed successfully and there are now brand new valves in place that will offer a reliable main water supply for years to come. These works ensure that the new paving will not have to be dug up to replace damaged, old or leaking valves in the forseeable future.
Dublin City BID and the businesses of Grafton Street have been in daily contact with Frank Lambe (project manager), Charles Downey (road engineer) and the DCC works team to ensure that these works have had minimal impact on businesses. This proactive engagement with the DCC works team delivered a dramatic reduction in the duration of water cut-offs. Originally cut-offs had been expected to continue until 2pm, but most businesses had water back well before 11am. Therefore, any lunch-time trade was unaffected and early trading was covered by the use of the businesses’ own water tanks.
We will continue this proactive engagement on behalf of our members and the success of this first stage bodes well for the upcoming re-paving works.
If businesses have any queries, please contact