Lemon Street and Anne Street Public Realm Works Update

- Mon 15 April, 2024
ESB staff began electrical works on the underground substation underneath Lemon Street last week in preparation of upcoming civil works – and work is ongoing in the substation this week.
These works focus on Lemon Street, Duke Lane Upper and South Anne Street.
Once the essential electrical works have been carried out, civil works can begin. These works are separate to (and will delay) Part 8 Planning Permission related to South Anne Street/Duke Street: https://consultation.dublincity.ie/traffic-and-transport/duke-st-anne-st-sth-part-8/.
ESB hope to begin civil works on Lemon Street today Monday 15th April.
For information regarding these works, points of contact from Richard Nolan Civil Engineering Bogdan Bucsa (0864183207) and Romeo Mihalache (0860671373).