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Review of Casual Trading Bye-Laws

  • Fri 16 February, 2018

Dublin City Council is currently reviewing the Casual Trading Bye-Laws (Control and Designation) 2013 and the Casual Trading Bye-Laws (Fees) 2013.

The public consultation period will run until 29th March 2018 at 17.00 hrs.  

  • To view the Draft Casual Trading (Control and Designation) bye-laws click here
  • To view the Draft Casual Trading (Fees) bye-laws click here
  • To view the May for review of bye-laws click here

Dublin City Council will consider any submissions in relation to the draft review of the Bye-Laws which are submitted in writing to:

The Casual Trading Section,

Dublin City Council,

Culture, Recreation and Economic Services Department,

Block 4, Ground Floor, Civic Offices,

Wood Quay,

Dublin 8

or by email to before 17.00hrs on Thursday 29th March, 2018.