Summary: Policing Plan for St. Patrick’s Day 2023

- Fri 24 February, 2023
Please find below a summary of items mentioned during the recent Gardai Briefing on the St Patrick’s Day Parade.
Click here for the full presentation.
If you have any questions, please let us know and DublinTown will follow-up.
Transport and Traffic:
- Parade setup zone at Western Way & Blessington Street
- Road closures in effect from 2am until 5pm to facilitate setup and installation/deinstallation – pedestrian access only
- Policing Plan in effect from 7am with extra Garda presence in city centre
- LUAS Red Line terminates at Smithfield from 10:45am
- LUAS Green Line (Northbound) terminates at Stephen’s Green from 1:30am
- LUAS Green Line (Southbound) terminates at Dominick Street from 1:30am
- Ha’Penny Bridge/Merchant’s Arch will be one way pedestrian only ingress from South to North
- Millennium Bridge will be one way pedestrian only ingress from North to South
- Dublin City Council will provide additional bins and cleaning services
- Increased Garda presence to manage safe movement of pedestrians
An Garda Síochána requests the following:
- No street furniture,sandwich boards, etc. outside premises. Representatives from Dublin City Council, An Garda Síochána and Dublin Fire Brigade will be calling around businesses (same as last year)
- Businesses asked to switch off Wi-Fi that extends to outside your premises (to discourage group loitering)
- Remove anything that could cause a hazard on the day
- Please try to arrange deliveries to the day before
For licensees:
- No drinking should be permitted outside of premises
- ALL glasses and bottles are removed from outside of licensed premises
- Off-Licences remain closed until after 4pm on St Patricks Day (this request has been acceded to in previous years and has greatly assisted in managing the days festivities)
- Test purchasing will be conducted on the day and days leading up to the parade with
- Please be aware of the increase in incidents of spiking in recent months
- Alcohol must only be consumed in licensed areas on premises
- Ensure no overcrowding
- Adhere to closing times – late opening must have a special exemption order, the Court sittings are 8th &15th March (early application is advised)
- Check that CCTV and security systems are fully operational
- Operation Citizen will be bolstered for duration of festival, which means zero tolerance approach to public order offences and anti-social behaviour