Who We Are

We are DublinTown is a not for profit organisation charged with creating a welcoming and economically viable city environment. We represent 2,500 businesses in the city centre and work with partners to enhance the appeal of the city centre as a place for shopping, recreation and business development by increasing footfall and improving overall trading performance.
We’re the people behind DublinTown.ie, we put up the Christmas Lights in the City Centre and we are the creators of Dine in Dublin, The DublinTown Food and Drink Festival and the Dublin Fashion Festival.
Is é We are DublinTown eagraíocht neamhbhrabúis atá freagrach as chathrach fáitiúil agus inmharthana eacnamaíoch a chruthú. Déanaimid ionadaíochat ar 2,500 ghnólachtaí i lár na gcathrach agus oibrímid le pairtnéir chun tarraingteacht na gcathrach a fheabhsú mar áit chun siopadóireacht a dhéanamh, fóillíocht agus chun gnó a fhorbairt tríd líon na ndaoine a méadú agus léirithe trádála a fheabhsú.
Táimid na ndaoine taobh thiar DublinTown.ie, cuirimid Soilse na Nollag suas i lár na gcathrach agus táimid na gcruthaitheoirí de Dine in Dublin, The DublinTown Food and Drink Festival agus an Fashion Festival.